Thursday, July 05, 2007

What Should I do with my life?
Po Bronson

The Book doesn't answer the question in its title, It can't , actually no book can. Life would be so much simpler, if answers to eternal questions like these were found in paper back novels.

The best any book can do in this regard is just to provide a few pointers or some encouragement, or maybe a prod here, a nudge there. This book does the same through examples, Examples in the form of short stories detailing incidents in people's lives when a significant change took place. Some incidents that made them think of the big questions in life?
Click here to read 10 stories in this book, very generous of Po to make 20 % of the book available free to the public on his website.

The people described in the stories are not the ones who have necessarily found their answer to the question, nor is everyone unique or what one would call or extraordinarily successful in whatever it is that they do. But everyone has in some point of time or the other saw the meaninglessness in living life and tried to find an answer to the Big question.

The book is not as much a "how to guide" but is more like a chronicle of how different people tackled this question, the difficulties they faced and the experience in general. Of course the book can't give you an answer to find your calling in life, but all it can do is to tell you that you are not alone in this quest to find out , " What should you do with your life? "

For me it just gave an idea of different experiences people have had, and he does this

He has a very interesting Blog where he writes about family, society, marriage, bringing up kids and other similar issues. Po also writes on and has an large loyal reader base who follow his blog and other writings. Marriage, divorce , and bringing up kids are topics of deep interest to him and he writes very authoritatively and interestingly on these things.

As for the book and its question. I am yet to find my answer, after all its one's own responsibility to find the answer.

PS: I like Po Bronson, for he bothered to reply to my email when I sent him a note of thanks and invited him over to Australia. Here is his reply:

Hi Hari,
You know, my UK publisher hasn't sent me to Australia to promote my books since the paperback of my first novel, in maybe 1996. I've had a few other invitations to come, but family needs have always intervened. My cousin, with whom I am very close, lives in Melbourne, and I'm working on coming sometime this coming year. His family and mine usually take a trip each year. So if that works out, my publisher has said they'll arrange a lot of publicity and events. (At least they say so). So, the end result of all this is ... maybe. Maybe I'm coming to Australia this year.



priyank said...

Hi Hari,
This is some really nice compilation you've got here.
i'll try & read some of the books from in here.

if you are into travelogues , i bet you'll like this


Prabal Aggarwal said...

Hi Hari
We just reviewed ur blog here

keep in touch :)

Meenakshi Rehani said...

hey hari!
long time!

have you read the kite runner?

(i have a strange feeling that I've asked you this before)
(strange cos I read the book very recently)

Do read it if you haven't already.
it's awesome!


Meenakshi Rehani said...

also linked to you.

Sorry for the delay!


Meenakshi Rehani said...

where are you?!

long long time no post!

Hari said...

Hi Fangs,
I am here just got busy in the general Business of life,
will start this back up soon,
Good to see you back,
Hope all's well with you