Monday, January 01, 2007

Why men can only do one thing at a time and women never stop talking.

Allan + Barbara Pease

Well to be put frankly, the book is nothing more than a collection of cliches and some men versus women forward emails that are doing the rounds
for example
1) the mail with differences about how men and women use the shower
2) or the jpeg about the sizes of various parts of Women's brain(biggest being love / commitment) versus Man's brain(biggest being S#*)
3) or difference between the telephone call durations between the sexes.

In fact you can flip open any page at random and you are sure to find some quote cartoon or the whole page that you have already read in an Email forward. I don't understand the point in putting that into a book. I guess there are enough dumb people out there to buy these. If you see the author's home page
you can see around six books on similar flimsy lines. I hope at least the content is different / better in those.
The book has a typical humor/comic feel to it and viewed in that context only it is readable. I mean what else can you expect from a collection of funny quotations and quotes. I would not buy this book and would not recommend anyone to buy it either. Luckily the book is only pocket sized and has around 100 pages with loads of graphics so takes only maybe two hours to read.

Maybe I was wrong in expecting Allan and Barbara Please to read as well as a John Gray book(of the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus fame). I wonder whether this book deserves a mention here , since the title of the page is memoirs of books well written, and the well written adjective cannot be applied to this book even by a stretch. Just putting it here so that others don't get fooled into buying this :-)

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