Monday, May 07, 2007

Around the world in 80 Dates
by Jeniffer Cox

Well this is another perfect example of "Don't judge a book by its cover". On the cover you have a catchy title and the image of the pretty author lugging a briefcase and setting off on her oddysey(that's what she calls it). On the Inside you have a dreadful monologue of how she meets or dates 80 or so men, cutting them off her list one by one in a desperate urgency to get the numbers out. If you see this book take my word and give it a pass, It is so bad that I couldn't get myself to finish this book. Firstly I don't quite agree how can you decide on one meeting of a few hours that this person is your "true love". She repeats "True love" so many times in the book that I had to end the book half way thinking reading anymore would change the real meaning of the word "TRUE LOVE" for me.

I agree this is a very personal and touchy topic but I really can't quite come to terms with the idea that you can find your "TRUE LOVE" by going around the world dating people. I mean all these dates except for one lasted less than a single day, how much can you find out about a person in a day? and what can you decide with what you know in a day? And for God's sake don't keep repeating the word True love over and over again.

Many a times in the book you get a feel that she is not out to find love, but just to go around and complete those 80 people so that she can write the book and get the money promised by some publisher. At one place things seem to be going good for her with a guy(number 20's I think) in the burning man festival. She spends a couple of days with him and gets to know him better than the others before him but in the end she decides to go ahead and look for what else might be in store for her in the remaining 60 guys. And truly in Hollywood style the understanding guy agrees to her going and dating what's left of the 80 guys to decide if he makes the cut. She justifies this saying the other people with whom the dates had been prebooked also had feelings and she should give it a shot. It is at this point that I found the book way too ridiculous.

There is another time when the author participates in Speed dating and finishes off 10 or so people in one go in less than an hour, and then has the guts to justify these as legitimate dates in her "Quest to find TRUE LOVE". I don't know if she even understands what is meant by"TRUE LOVE"? not that I am an expert at it , but at least I am sure that you cannot find one sitting together for few hours in a coffee shop. The only mildly entertaining part was the relationship resume where she wrote a history about all her previous relationships and why they failed. I wouldn't be surprised if the Author has broken up again and is still looking for her second "True love"

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